Silver Carpet & Rugs

Opening Date

Silver Carpet
opened their doors for business in Durham Region of Ontario in 1993. Silver Carpet focused primarily on

  • Sales
  • Installation and Sevice of Commercial and Residential
    floor coverings in the immediate area.

Silver Carpet's Success

The corner stone of Silver Carpet's success was and is

  • The personal assurance by the proprietors
    that all installations are satisfaction guaranteed.

On-Site Free Shopping

Silver Carpet provides on-site Free Shopping Service, allowing the customer to

  • view the most suitable colour and quality, chosen at the customer's unique surrounding and under actual lighting conditions ensuring the best choices for the customer and at the best market pricing available.

Business is enthusiastic and demanding

in less than five years Silver Carpet found it necesssary to occupy additional spaces to accommodate a showroom large enough to display the rugs and carpets available from tens of manufactures and hundreds of samples along with a complete line of title and wood flooring, as well as special order Customized Area Rugs.

To date, Silver Carpet's customer base is approaching 11,000 in the Durham Region alone. Silver Carpet & Rug's tenth year of success is exclusively due to word-of-mouth referrals, spawning a tradition of generational oriented customers.

9:30 - 6:00
(905) 683-4292
520 Westney Rd. S.
Unit 9
Ajax, ON L1S 6W5
Total Hits: 582710
9:00 - 3:00

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